Why Missions?

We, the church, are encouraged to go into all the world and preach the Gospel. That's you and me!

What does all the world mean? Acts 1:8 says “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."

Here at Calvary Knoxville we consider our Jerusalem to be the Knoxville area and we are reaching  that area by:
  • Ministry we do here at the church throughout the week
  • Radio ministry that reaches out in the community,  Evangelism training ministry  reaches throughout Knoxville. Also, through other ministries we support like Child Evangelism Fellowship and Good News Clubs, the Arabic Church of Knoxville, Hope Resource Center, Karm and Street Hope.
We consider our Judea to be outside of Knoxville and we support  groups like:  
  • Samaritans Purse
  •  Our Relief program that goes and helps clean up and rebuild after natural disaster

We consider our Samaria to be the next ring out in places like:
  • Honduras which we had a trip to in June of this year where we put a well in a community that had no fresh water and ministered to the local church through evangelism and children's ministry and Costa Rica where we will be supporting a local Calvary Chapel

And finally “to the ends of the earth”
  • We had a team return from Uganda where they had the opportunity to feed many hungry families and pray for the sick, hand distribute over 400 pair of reading Glasses and see a number of people come to Christ.
Eyeglass Ministry in Costa Rica
Building playgrounds in Tanzania
April  2025

We will be returning to Uganda, Africa and serve alongside Calvary Chapel Entebbe.
We will be doing a Men's and Women's conference to encourage and teach the local people.   We will also travel to the slums of Jinja and minister to the people living there.
We will are hoping to do a medical mission to an island on Lake Victoria.


May 2025

This is a new mission trip for Calvary Knoxville.
Our Team will be going to a fishing village in Thailand from May 18-29, 2025. We will go and support the Calvary Chapel in Ban Nam Khem. We will be doing a Men's and Women's conference to encourage and teach the local people.

We will be doing a VBS, reading glasses, and door to door evangelism. 

Missionaries We Support

Agents for Christ

10th Hour Project
AGENTS FOR CHRIST was established in 2008. Our ministry focuses on equipping and mobilizing the body of Christ in the areas of evangelism, missions, and discipleship. We are located in the USA with our administrative headquarters currently in Las Cruces, NM. Our ministry is an international ministry serving people throughout the US and around the world through our programs of: Tenth Hour Project and Uganda Kids Project.

Ariel, Israel

Jewish Settlement
Since 1991, American Friends of Ariel (AFA) has become a leading force for the City of Ariel.
AFA’s mission is threefold:
  • To develop resources for humanitarian projects in Ariel in the fields of education, social welfare, immigrant absorption, culture, health and religion
  • To educate and provide information about the City of Ariel to visitors
  • To establish relationships and partnerships with a domestic and international cadre of supporters.

American Friends of Libi

Supporting Israeli Soldiers
LIBI USA strives to support Israeli soldiers by providing for their welfare through funding educational, religious, social and recreational activities not covered in the IDF’s defense budget.

Arabic Church of Knoxville

Milead Gergis, Pastor
Established on May 10, 2013, the Arabic Church takes care  of the sheep, feeds and teaches them the Word of God.  Most of the members of our congregation are from Iraq, Egypt and Syria and many are refugees.
They meet on Sunday evenings at 6pm at
Park West Church on
7635 Middlebrook Pike
Knoxville, TN 37909

Good News Club

Good News Club ministries take place in neighborhood settings such as homes, schools and community centers all over the world and are designed to bring the Gospel of Christ to children on their level in their environment.

David & Katya Snead

David and Katya Snead are missionaries in Lviv, Ukraine. David is a preacher, teacher, and worship leader, and Katya is a translator for both theological books and lectures at the local seminary.
We train and serve local leaders in Ukraine, creating and translating resources for them, so that they can better serve and shepherd their churches, raise up more local leaders, and reach their communities for Christ.

Dispciple Support Ministries

Paul Cowley
Today the ministry has grown to operate two Bible Schools directly inside the two largest slums of Nairobi, Kenya. One in Kibera slum….the single largest slum in Africa, with over 1,000,000 residents. The other in the Mathare Valley slum….with over 500,000 residents. The Schools are strategically located on opposite sides of the city, in the two largest and most easily accessible slum areas.

Carlos Garcia

Amigo Fiel
From the beginning, Amigo Fiel has worked to provide basic necessities like food, clothing, and shelter. But our ultimate vision is to meet spiritual needs.
In the past 30 years, Amigo Fiel has grown from a few weekend trips to a full-time, daily ministry with a staff of 15 people. Through our after school programs, Bible studies, and church services, we get to share the love of Jesus with hundreds of people each week.

Focused Ministries

Dave Damron
In 2013, Dave visited Pakistan and began mobilizing others to support the Good Shepherd Christian Hospital project that will provide medical care for the poor without discrimination. 

Hope Resource Center

Knoxville, TN
Hope Resource Center exists to serve women and men in the Knoxville community who are facing an unplanned pregnancy or other sexual health concern. Through targeted marketing, free services and outreach, we aim to bring those who are hurt, broken and scared to our doors. Once they’re here, we strive to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to reflect Christ in all that we do.

Housetops for Haiti

Housetops for Haiti was started in 2011 after seeing the vast needs following the devastating earthquake in January 2010. Our goal is to reach the lost with the good news of Jesus Christ through love and compassion by building relationships, meeting physical needs, and training native pastors to teach the Bible and lead their communities. 

Jake & Raquel Damron

Missionaries to Peru
Jake & Raquel Damron, along with their son, Timothy, are serving the Lord in Peru. There, they assist a local church in Lima called Camino De Vida. Discipleship, worship leading, teaching classes in "Casa Garcia" and "Refugio Garcia" (ministry houses for girls and guys who God has freed from addictions), are a few of the areas they serve in on a weekly basis. They also reach out into different parts of Peru through what's called "Servolucion". One of their many "Servolucion" efforts consists of building Christian churches in the jungle, along with digging fresh water wells for each Church. 
One quarter of Israel’s citizens are suffering from severe poverty on a daily basis. More than one of every three children in Israel goes to sleep hungry. These individuals do not have the ability to provide for even their most basic needs such as food and medicine. JAR - Jewish Assistance & Relief Fund is the solution. It was established to provide for the needs of Israel’s poor by collecting financial and in-kind contributions from individuals and organizations in the public and private sectors.
Jerusalem Assembly House of Redemption is a Bible believing Messianic congregation in Jerusalem committed to fellowship, evangelism and discipleship through the building up of believers in Christ. We are a congregation of both Jews and Gentiles striving to serve our Savior. Established in May of 1991, the congregation began with just 13 people meeting in a home Bible study and has grown today to a community of more than 200 believers from around the world. We operate under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ, presided by a full-time senior pastor and governed by a leadership of elders and deacons who make executive decisions regarding the church.

Joel Rosenberg

Joel is the Founder and Chairman of THE JOSHUA FUND, a non-profit educational and charitable organization that he launched in 2006 to mobilize Christians to “bless Israel and Her Neighbors in the name of Jesus, according to Genesis 12:1-3.” Since its inception, the organization facilitated more than $80 million of investment in Christian ministries and humanitarian relief work in Israel, the Palestinian territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, and Egypt.
Samaritan's Purse
After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan's Purse—to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel.
Compassion Coalition is a faith-based nonprofit in Knoxville, Tennessee. We are a coalition of churches, organizations, and businesses who are committed to moving beyond the walls of our buildings to be the compassionate presence of Jesus in the midst of poverty, pain, and brokenness of our community.